What Makes an Exceptional Product?
what makes an exceptional product and separates the best from the rest? Here are four qualities that set truly great products apart.

Heavy Metals and Fulvic Acid
Heavy metals are ubiquitous in our modern world. But just what are they, and should we be concerned about their effects on our health?

Chlorinated Water & Humates
Many people concerned about chlorine in their municipal drinking water and have the opinion that humic and fulvic acid creates a health risk

4 Tips for Sourcing Fulvic Acid – Part 1: Age of Deposits
The science behind the health claims of humic and fulvic acid comes from analyzing humate material that is millions of years old.

Amazon Changes for Supplements? – No Problem
When we say UL NPA cGMP we mean it. As you would expect, the recent Amazon dietary supplement changes are not an issue for accredited...

Differentiate Your Products with Fulvic Acid & Align with Nature
Differentiate in 2021 | Fulvic Acid powder with sustainable harvesting practices is gentle on the earth.

Nature's Most Potent Nutrient Delivery Molecule?
Can biochemistry reveal the truth behind fulvic acids as nutrient delivery molecules or is it baloney? It has been stated for many years...

Polyphenols have anti-carcinogenic effects, preventing and repairing sun damage but they also support the skin's clarity, elasticity, sm

Key points on fulvic acids for nutraceutical formulators Organic acids, polyphenols, and trace minerals are found throughout our food...

Standardized Fulvic Test gets ISO Blessing
The release last month from the International Org. for Standardization (ISO) has taken the accuracy of testing for the fulvic fraction of...