Sometimes when you take a look back and examine your roots, you see how far you've come. This picture from our scrapbook shows an early 1900s mining operation from the same deposit of fulvic minerals that Mineral Logic now owns. Although there are no longer buildings like this on our site, the surrounding thick wooded acreage still flourishes today.
The shallow depth in the foreground of this picture shows how close the deposit is to the surface. This eliminates the need for the large excavating equipment and blasting that's typically associated with mining.
Several legends have been passed down about the deposit.
One story is that early Native Americans and slaves knew about the healing properties of this special soil and used mudpacks from it to treat external wounds.
About 100 years ago, when hogs strayed from a farm in the South, they were found eating a clay-like mineral. A cholera epidemic broke out in that particular county and all the hogs came down with it except for the ones that had eaten the clay-like mineral. Since then, people have been using the mineral for livestock and to improve the health of crops.
Another story is that when the outbreak occurred at farms located in the same area, a veterinarian wondered why one farm didn't have sick animals. The details are sketchy but either the farm or the vet camped out to observe these animals and discovered they came to a certain spot to lick the soil. The deposit was discovered, and they experimented with some rudimentary extracts.
These stories all have one thing in common. People saw the effect the mineral extracts were having, and used them to improve the health of their livestock and crops.
Our process has come a long way from using wooden barrels with well water.
Today we are using an innovative, multistage reverse osmosis process and micronized milling that includes state-of-the-art stainless steel extraction equipment. The process incorporates freeze drying, as well as a sequestered area where mandatory protective clothing is required, critical control points, and quarantined stages await third-party lab analysis before the product is shipped to our customers.