MLG-50® Fulvic Mineral Powder

MLG-50® Fulvic Mineral Powder dissolves completely into pure water.
Introducing the ultimate in fulvic mineral powder. Fully soluble with more than twice* the fulvic acid content of shilajit, with very appealing flavor and aroma profiles.
Our powder retains all the beneficial co-existing compounds that work synergistically with fulvic acid, providing a more holistic approach to health.
70+ trace minerals and electrolytes
14+ organic acids
13+ amino acids
Contract manufacturers save in multiple ways when using our powder. More than twice the potency lowers the amount needed to achieve the same serving size of FA in a product. Using less of a product also results in shipping and storage savings.
The concentration of fulvic acid is 35% verified by LAMAR Standardized Quantification Method et al., JAOAC, 97 (3): 721-730
pH 6.0 - 9.0
100% water-soluble.
Pleasant taste and aroma.
Excellent potassium to sodium ratio.
Recommended Daily Intake (RDI): 100 mg
Contains Fulvic acid, minerals, trace minerals, trace elements, electrolytes, amino acids, additional organic, and amino acids, plus 22 flavonoids.
Applications: Input ingredient for supplements, powder mixes, tablets, encapsulation, beverages, cosmetics, personal care, and pet products.
*Independent lab analysis of shilajit, as well as other products from leonardite.
18 catechin antioxidants
SOD properties
Optimizes Mitochondrial Function
Cardiovascular support
Encourages proper gut microbiome
Encourages proper lipid metabolization
Increases nutrient absorption
Provides rare trace minerals
Additional Features
• High fulvic acid content
• Non-toxic
• Bio-degradable
• Non-GMO
• Allergen-free
• Gluten-free
• Non-Irradiated
• Free of harmful chemicals.
• Not a coal derivative.
• Manufactured in the USA.