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Oppose Supplement Legislation / Key Fulvic Acid Benefits in Nutraceutical Products

Two parts to this blog post. The first part being some action that is needed on your part if you have anything to do with supplements. The second being the key benefits to using fulvic acid in nutraceutical products.

Part One

ACTION ALERT – Oppose any supplement legislation on the Rx User Fee Act

The senate is one step closer to creating pre-market approval for dietary supplements a reality. Senator Durbin’s bill was recently tied to the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Landmark Advancement Act (FDASLA), creating new regulatory barriers, and giving the FDA new authority to prevent health and wellness products from reaching millions of consumers.

Sadly, Senators Braun and Durbin are using their dislike of the dietary supplement industry to misrepresent its excellent safety record. The FDASLA is intended for drugs, not supplements, and we cannot afford to allow critics to stifle the industry.

Don't let the Senate threaten your access to dietary supplements – TAKE ACTION TODAY!

Click here to write your members of Congress and ask them to oppose pre-market approval for nutritional supplements. It only takes 30 seconds.


Part Two

Key Fulvic Acid Benefits in Nutraceutical Products

An article by Jillian Levy, CHHC, published in 2019 provides a comprehensive overview of 7 Fulvic Acid Benefits & Uses: Improve Gut, Skin, and Brain Health.

Taken from her study:

1. Improves Gut Health and Immune Function

The compounds found in fulvic acid help nourish the digestive tract and boost the ability of “good bacteria” to repopulate and form a healthy “microbiome” environment. We need a strong digestive system to build immunity, help control hormone production, regulate appetite, reduce stress response and much more.

As a result of gut permeability (when particles can escape through the gut lining and enter the bloodstream, where they shouldn’t normally be), inflammation is triggered, and autoimmune reactions can occur.

There is some evidence that consuming fulvic acid can help decrease digestive disorders and other issues, including:

  • SIBO symptoms (small intestine bacterial overgrowth)

  • inflammatory bowel disorders

  • bacterial infections (respiratory, urinary tract, etc.)

  • the flu and common colds

2. Helps Boost Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

Acquiring enough electrolytes and other trace minerals is important for proper metabolic functions, digestive health, and nutrient assimilation.

Organisms we obtain from fulvic acid can be taken in small doses and still cause fast, significant improvements in the ratio of bacteria living in the gut. This helps lower many unwanted digestive symptoms, like constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and food sensitivities.

Besides providing raw nutrients, studies show that fulvic acid transports minerals and other nutrients to cells more effectively, boosts absorption rate of nutrients by making cells more permeable and fights inflammation within the digestive tract.

3. Protects Cognitive Health

A 2011 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that fulvic acid has several antioxidant, nutraceutical properties with potential activity to protect against cognitive impairments, including Alzheimer’s disease.

A contributing factor to the development of cognitive disorders is free radical damage and also a type of protein called tau, but studies show that fulvic acid helps lower the length of tau fibrils and their morphology, disassembling their performance and stopping disease progression.

Researchers have recently concluded that fulvic acid seems to have neuroprotective effects and is likely to provide new insights in the development of potential natural treatments for Alzheimer’s disease.

4. Improves Detoxification

Humic acids are beneficial for digestion and improving energy because of their detoxifying abilities. As a form of natural chelation therapy, humic acids are capable of binding to and breaking down toxins and metals that enter the body through the food supply, water, prescription medications, household products and air pollution.

Studies have found that humic acids have ion-selective electrodes that can be used for attracting heavy metals — even for filtering soils and water. That’s because they help bind to things like copper and iron.

Research shows they’re even effective at geochemical processing of soils and aquatic environments at much lower concentrations than other types of chemicals.

5. Lowers Free Radical Damage and Inflammation

Fulvic acid contains antioxidants that counter the effects of free radicals and help detoxify the body of many toxins that contribute to the problem: chemicals used in agriculture, radioactive waste, and heavy metals, for example.

It also helps extend the permeability and life of cells by providing electrolytes that have numerous functions within the heart, muscles, brain, and digestive tract.

Is there a connection between fulvic acid and cancer?

Recent studies suggest that humic substances possess pharmacological properties that can help to defend against some types of cancer, including colorectal cancer.

6. Improves Energy Levels and Lowers Pain

Many people taking fulvic acid supplements have reported improvements in energy levels, probably due to increased detoxification, lower levels of inflammation and free radical damage, and higher intakes of electrolytes and other key nutrients.

According to research done by Doctors Across Borders, studies have found that as natural and organic electrolytes, humic acids activate and energize nearly every biological process in the body. An electrolyte is soluble in water and works by conducting electrical currents, helping cells survive in the face of damage caused by things like emotional stress, uncontrolled infections, unbalanced diet, prolonged loss of sleep and surgical shocks.

This also makes fulvic acid useful for lowering chronic nerve pain, headaches, joint pain caused by arthritis, or bone and muscle pains associated with aging.

There’s some evidence that fulvic acid’s electrolytes can help reduce swelling, decrease inflammation, soothe, and relax muscles, and improve circulation. Conversely, an electrolyte imbalance can cause these symptoms to worsen.

7. Repairs and Protects the Skin

Some evidence suggests that humic acids have antimicrobial properties that fight harmful bacteria. They can help protect the skin and treat wounds or irritations caused by things like eczema, bug bites, scrapes and rashes associated with fungus/microbes.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigative Dermatology found that fulvic acid supplementation significantly improved symptoms associated with eczema, even compared to other eczema treatments.

Marketers and Formulators Take Note

Whether your products fall under the categories of nutraceutical, beverage, functional food, or body-care, fulvic acid may very well be the supplement to set you apart, to truly assist you with helping your customers reach optimal health.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you incorporate fulvic acid into your nutraceutical products.

Disclaimer: Our fulvic products are for supporting overall health by way of supplying minerals, trace minerals, antioxidants, electrolytes, and other micro-nutrients. Our products are NOT meant for the treatment mitigation or prevention of any disease or health ailments.


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