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4 Tips for Sourcing Fulvic Acid – Part 3: Third Party Verification

This is the third tip in our top four tips for sourcing a humic and fulvic ingredient. Tip #1 explained the importance of selecting a prehistoric deposit for the most bioactive fulvic and humic acid. Tip #2 disclosed that not all deposits have the same biodiversity so be sure to see a third-party lab composition analysis.

Tip #3 is all about testing for fulvic. Transparency is achieved by using an FDA-certified lab who can perform the Lamar and ISO fulvic test method. These two methods were developed by scientists in the humate community and are recommended by the International Humic Substances Society, AAPFCO (Assoc. of American Plant Food Control Officials), and HPTA (Humic Products Trade Assoc).

Every formulator, product developer, and contract manufacturer must be able to ascertain the bioactivity of an ingredient. Standardized testing, developed by the scientific community, is the only way to be absolutely certain of the type of humate and the quantity in a fulvic and humic product.

The standardized Lamar and ISO methods came along just a few years ago and are the best methods to detect the correct amount of fulvic acid in a source. Humic acid has not been difficult to ascertain by testing. As fulvic molecules are considered part of humic acid, it has been inconsequential to separate them. As scientific observation and technology advanced it has become apparent that fulvic acid provides important and unique benefits to human health.

Scientists have been using various methods to identify the composition of humates since the 1940s starting with the Colormetric or Spectrophotometric method. No less than eight different testing methods have been used throughout the decades. The V&B method has been popular because it is fast and economical. When Larry G. Butler (LGB) developed an improved testing method in the 1980s – as discoveries continued to be made in humate science necessitating more accuracy – it became the most accurate test for nutraceutical fulvic manufacturers to date. However, all of these tests, including others, continued to inflate the fulvic acid percentage by including molecules that were not specifically fulvic. These inflated results looked good, making a product appear to be 90-100% fulvic acid, which is mathematically impossible.

In 2014 the IHSS developed a new standardized test for the determination of humic and fulvic acid. Later that year the AOAC International Journal published the method known as LAMAR, named after the leading scientist, that developed the test, Richard Lamar.

Shortly after the Lamar method was published, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), published a very similar method. These new standardized methods are considerably more expensive and time consuming to conduct as much as $250 per assay while the test invariably returns a lower fulvic content. Products on the market touting 90% fulvic acid for example by Colormetric, V&B, or LGB are now a much smaller percentage by the Lamar or ISO.

Previous testing methods could not detect and accurately separate fulvic acids from humic acids and carbohydrates. This inflated the amount of fulvic acid in a final product. Standardized testing levels the playing field.

It is imperative to determine a high-quality source because fulvic acid has tremendous health benefits. Standardized testing is one way to compare fulvic products. However, fulvic sources can have other constituents that work synergistically, like other organic and amino acids, trace minerals, polyphenols or flavonoids, similar to the difference between using a wild-crafted whole herb to an isolated compound.

MLG-50â„¢ comes with these other important constituents that ramp up its effectiveness in the body or on the skin. The trace mineral content, free-form fulvic molecules, plus mineral-bound fulvic (fulvates), electrolytes, and polyphenol/antioxidant activity work together for a powerful ingredient that ignites the bioactivity within a product.

A high quality fulvic acid source will have both ionized trace minerals bonded with fulvic acid, called fulvates – which provide substantial electrolyte activity and conductivity – and will also have free-form fulvic acid – which attacks free radicals and activates a formula’s other ingredients.

Take-Away for the Best Quality

#1 Prehistoric compost will be your best source of fulvic acid

#2 Get a composition analysis by an FDA certified lab to know all the properties of the ingredient

#3 Demand the standardized testing method for accurate fulvic comparison

We always say, when you want great coffee, start with premium beans.

Whether your products fall under the categories of nutraceutical, beverage, functional food, or body-care, fulvic acid may very well be the supplement to set you apart, to truly assist you with helping your customers reach optimal health.

Contact us today for more information.

Disclaimer: Our fulvic products are for supporting overall health by way of supplying minerals, trace minerals, antioxidants, electrolytes, and other micro-nutrients. Our products are NOT meant for the treatment mitigation or prevention of any disease or health ailments.

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